28 Nov 2020

Tuk Tuk Promotion – Childrens Day

CAL collaborated with Mobitel and held a very successful “Sticker campaign” for World Children’s Day with support from the “Mahanuwara Threerodaratha Riyadurange Sangamaya”  (Kandy Three-wheeler Drivers Association)

The sticker read, “සියලු දරුවන්ට සුරක්ශිථ දෙaශයක් ගොඩනෑගිමට අපි එක්වෙමු”  which translates to, “Let us work together to build a safer nation for all children” .  Mobitel sponsored the stickers, and we dispersed this message throughout the city of Kandy on over 2000 tuk-tuk ‘s. The sticker highlighted the CAL hotline number for women and child protection.