24 Sep 2020


The clock never stands still neither can we! It’s time we picked our pace for children who depend on us and need us to enable and empower them. A decade is all we’ve got to make those sustainable development goals a reality in the lives of those that need them the most. 2030 is fast approaching and we at CAL are accelerating action and progress to enable transformation!

The challenge of sustainable development is an intergenerational one, as the lives of children are profoundly affected by our action or inaction. While all of the SDGs are relevant to children, it is possible to identify a number of core promises to children within the goals, which are based on the child-focused targets. These promises represent the minimum levels of well-being that children must experience to ensure that they can survive, thrive, be safe and contribute to a sustainable future. Together they form an integrated strategy to secure and improve the lives of children everywhere:

  1. No child should live in poverty
  2. No child should die from causes we can prevent or treat
  3. Every child should have the food needed to grow normally
  4. Every child should be able to read and write, and should be numerate
  5. Every child should be protected from violence and exploitation.

To deliver these promises we need immediate and effective action. Research from the Centre on International Cooperation has concluded that, based on current rates of progress, we are unlikely to come close to delivering on these core promises to children.

Child Action Lanka is determined to gather momentum on the specific SDGs acknowledging that the implementation of all goals is essential to ensure sustainable and lasting change for children. For example, in addition to being important goals in their own right, Goal 16 on peaceful and inclusive societies and Goal 17 on the means of implementation are essential for the implementation of all other SDGs and the delivery of health, education, child protection and other services to the most marginalised children